Karen Roe, Executive Director, CARM

This issue of Building Rural Manitoba is a celebration of CARM and the successes of many rural Manitobans within the industry. We cannot possibly capture all of the amazing work and contributions that CARM members and partnering organizations have accomplished throughout 2018, but please know, we are grateful for your dedication to the construction industry and extend sincere congratulations.
Thank you to CARM members Aaron Jackson of BDR Services and Rob Greenwood of C&R Sheet Metal for representing rural MB on Apprenticeship Manitoba’s Provincial Advisory Committees. We also want to congratulate and extend best wishes to our Regional Apprenticeship Consultant, Ken Falloon, as he moves into retirement and starts a new chapter in 2019.
Thank you to CARM member Brad Dodds of BG Dodds Building & Contracting for participating in ACC’s Carpentry Advisory Committee and for representing CARM and the construction industry on the Manitoba Climate and Green Plan Advisory Council.
These are just a few members that are actively advocating for your industry. Every member of the CARM Board of Directors volunteers their time and expertise throughout the year and we celebrate those contributions as well.
In 2019, we are anticipating a highly successful education program, an action-packed CARM Member’s Day that you will not want to miss and continued expansion of our organization throughout rural Manitoba.
In closing, I wish you a wonderful holiday season with a highly prosperous 2019.
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