*New* Brandon Jobs Website



We are encouraging all our business network to create your company profile with as many graphics and You-Tube videos as possible. There are two steps to this:


1 – Create a login and load your company-wide information. This includes details like years of operation, # of employees, location, cultural enhancers (like paid sick time, flex time, pension, etc.), and any general videos or graphics that represent your company. Once complete, we will receive notification to review and approve your profile.


2 – Even before we approve your profile, you can start creating jobs. It is straight-forward, but again we are hoping to have job-specific graphics and maybe even a video to describe the role.


Note: if you do not load your company images, then default Brandon / Brandon Jobs graphics will populate those spaces once the profile and jobs are posted.


If you have any questions or need support, please call our office, we have support available. Also, if you notice anything not working properly, any field choices that are missing, or something that can be improved, please let us know! We want this portal to be as user-friendly and exciting as possible!


Thanks and happy employee recruiting! We hope you enjoy Westman’s newest job posting portal!


Rob Starkell, B.Comms (hons)
Unit A – 940 Princess Ave

Brandon, MB
Office:   (204) 727-0008
Mobile: (204) 724-4242