City of Brandon Development Charge Study & By-Law Updates

Tuesday, November 28, 4:00pm – 6:00pm*

Cultural Resource Centre, 638 Princess Avenue

Entrance B (East entrance)

This past summer and fall the City has been working in consultation with Watson & Associates Economists and Dillon Consulting to review and update the Development Charges Rate Study and By-law. The initial review has been completed resulting in recommended changes.
You are invited to a brief presentation summarizing the recommended changes to the Development Charges Rate Study and By-law followed by a discussion of the proposed changes and the potential impacts to development within the City of Brandon.
Some topics you can expect to discuss include:

  • Capital Needs to Accommodate Growth
  • City-wide vs. Area-specific Development Charges  
  • Timing of Development Charge Contribution Collection
  • Annual Indexing  

Please forward this notification on to anyone that you believe may be interested in partaking in this engagement session.

All development industry (developers, builders, real estate groups) are welcome. Limited seating.
Refreshments will be served.


*Please RSVP for the event by sending an email to:

by Friday, November 24th, 2023.