2023 Awards of Excellence


Call for Nominations for the 2023 Awards of Excellence

Nominations are being accepted from CARM Members for the 2023 Awards of Excellence. These awards will be presented
to the Winners at the
109th Annual CARM Banquet being held October 19, 2023 at MNP Hall in the Keystone Centre.
All nominations must be substantiated by the nominator.

The Carla Milne Outstanding Women in the Industry Award:
A woman who contributes to the success and advancement of the construction industry.
Including and not limited to: women working directly in trades or that support the industry.


The Chuck Judd Apprentice of the Year Award:
Apprentice at any level working in the construction industry who has demonstrated and continues to show
potential that will benefit the rural construction industry for years to come.


Journey Person of the Year Award:
A journey person working in the construction industry in their respective trade who has demonstrated and continues to show
potential that will benefit the rural construction industry for years
to come. Journey person(s) not currently working
in their trade (project manager, operations manager, owner, etc)
are not eligible to be nominated.


Up-and-Coming Under 40:

This award is to honor/recognize one of the industries up and coming individuals who demonstrates success in their career support,
or within the construction industry.
We are looking for nominations of rising stars under 40 years old who are making a significant
difference for the construction industry in rural Manitoba.


CARM Member – Employee of the Year:
An employee of a Construction Association of Rural Manitoba within the current membership year who demonstrates success in their career by supporting or working in the construction industry. We are looking for employees of CARM members who have demonstrated and continue to show potential that will benefit the construction industry in rural Manitoba within the past year. Apprentices, Journey Persons, and Business Owners are not eligible for this award.


Member of the Year:
A member in good standing of the Construction Association of Rural Manitoba that demonstrates commitment to the
wellbeing and advancement of the rural construction industry and the association.


Community Supporter of the Year: (not individual)
A business that has supported their local community. Including but not limited to: Donations, fundraisers, projects, and volunteering.

    Please select which award you would like to submit a nomination for: